Letter from the CEO
Hana Financial Group will grow into Asia’s leading financial group by maximizing strengths, strengthening global capabilities, innovating digital finance, and developing into an ESG-leading financial group.
In 2021, Hana Financial Group achieved the best performance in its history. More importantly, the non-banking sector contributed over 30% of total incomes for the second consecutive year against persistent pandemic threats and other challenges at home and abroad, a clear indication of the income structure further stabilizing on a diversifying business portfolio. It is also an outcome made possible by the efforts of all employees heartened by the unwavering support of all shareholders and customers.

The financial industry is facing unprecedented challenges. As low growth becomes the norm and the pace of population ageing is accelerating, financial demand is fundamentally changing, mostly toward asset management services. As big tech inroads into finance escalate, business boundaries are blurring fast, and as the social demand intensifies on financial companies, ESG has become increasingly important. At this point of inflection on which the fate of companies hangs in balance, Hana Financial Group will respond to rapid changes in the business environment by further enhancing the corporate culture of pursuing challenges and innovations and by strengthening collaboration among all Group affiliates.
To this end, we have defined the following goals for this year – “maximizing our strengths”, “strengthening global capabilities”, “innovating digital finance”, and “developing into an ESG-leading financial group”. Accordingly, we aim to become the top financial group in Asia.

MAXIMIZING OUR STRENGTHS We will provide optimal asset management services for customers through an omni-channel that conveniently connects digital and off-line channels. We will also optimize corporate banking by further facilitating collaboration among the Group affiliates. Furthermore, we will rebalance the business portfolio by bolstering the non-banking sector with M&A and other means, and thus maximize the strengths of Hana Financial Group.

STRENGTHENING GLOBAL CAPABILITIES We will further fine-tune the localization practices we have developed for Asian markets; diversify the Group portfolio through overseas expansion of both banking and non-banking business; and explore new business models on which all Group affiliates can collaborate. To this end, we will seek opportunities through M&A and equity investments in high-growth Asian regions, including Indonesia and Vietnam. For developed markets such as North America and Eurozone, we will strengthen IB and corporate banking in collaboration with Korean companies that have strong local presence.

INNOVATING DIGITAL FINANCE We must pursue digital innovation from a customer perspective so that a digital transformation we achieve will further enhance customer satisfaction of our products and services. To this end, we will nurture digital talent, strengthen technological capabilities through active investment and internalization, vastly increase investments in innovative startups, and actively use external digital capabilities through an open API platform, thereby growing into a financial platform company dedicated to customers.

DEVELOPING INTO AN ESG-LEADING FINANCIAL GROUP We will continue to establish and implement comprehensive ESG agenda to pursue Net Zero and sustainable finance. We will invest more in low-carbon, eco-friendly industries and embrace our social responsibilities, such as building daycare centers and supporting multicultural families. We will also improve management transparency and practice ESG management to global standards by empowering CEOs of the Group affiliates to conduct their duties to their best ability and with accountability.

The year of 2022 is expected to be a significant turning point for the financial industry driven by tapering and interest rate hikes. At the same time, there will be an opportunity for us to demonstrate how well we have prepared for the post pandemic era.

As always, Hana Financial Group will strive to enhance all stakeholder values, and we ask for your continued interest and support.

Thank you.