

Hana Financial Group also continued its digital transformation and global expansion. Hana Bank, in particular, made great progress in channel transformation – over 50% of its financial products, including deposit and installment savings accounts, credit loans, funds and bancassurance, are now sold through digital channels. We also streamlined work processes and thus reduced costs through a Group-wide adoption of robotic process automation (RPA).

Moreover, we achieved major advances in the global business sector despite international travel restrictions, economic downspins, and other COVID-induced upheavals. In Vietnam, the Philippines, India, and other Asian nations we have targeted as key growth regions, we achieved asset growth by implementing localization strategies through the expansion of ties with local market leaders and state-owned enterprises. In particular, we realized equity method-based valuation gains in the first year of our investment in Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV).

Drawing on these and other achievements, Hana Financial Group will focus all its resources and efforts on finance that is platform-based, globally-oriented, and socially-responsible as part of the NEXT2030 strategy for the coming decade.

First, we will evolve into platform-based finance. Expanding the customer base is crucial to securing future competitiveness. We will therefore develop Hana 1Q into a daily financial platform in collaboration with diverse daily life platforms so that customers can not only experience all products and services we offer, but also enjoy a wide range of non-financial benefits, all on one platform.

Next, in globally-oriented finance will we find solutions to the problems of the domestic financial market limited in growth opportunity and protracting low-growth trends. To this end, we will create globally-oriented business models in all our operations, including product, process, system, and HR development, explore Asian markets in search of growth opportunities, and thus increase global incomes in proportion to the total. In addition, we will focus more on the global expansion of our non-banking sector and generate more synergy with the banking channels already established overseas, thereby further diversifying income sources and continuing our growth.

Public expectations on what corporate social responsibility should be have significantly changed over the years. As a result, environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria play a bigger role than ever before in the valuation of corporations. Hana Financial Group will therefore view ESG-centric management through socially-responsible finance as not a choice but a must, and we will develop ESG management strategies in line with change in the global financial order and create sustainable growth opportunities. In order to achieve our ESG strategic goals more efficiently, we established the Sustainable Management Committee within the Board of Directors to complete our ESG-related organization and performance evaluation system.

The unfriendly environment currently surrounding the financial industry is expected to continue this year. The aggression of big tech companies, one-upping fintech inroads, is sure to further intensify, and risk management in step with business fluctuations will be more important than ever. As always, Hana Financial Group will continue to respond to crisis situations through proactive preparation and thorough risk management, while strengthening the non-banking sector, building up the daily financial platform, and advancing further into the global market, all in pursuit of sustainable growth. We will also do our best to enhance all stakeholder value through ESG management, and we ask for your continued interest and support.

Thank You


Copyright ©2021 Hana Financial Group. All Rights Reserved.

This is an interactive electronic version of the Hana Annual Report 2020 and contains certain information in summarized form. The contents of this version are qualified in their entirety by reference to the full annual Report 2020.
